All Your Questions About Marriage, Answered.
What is your availability?
Text "LOVE" to (904) 309-0606 to begin booking! We are open Monday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Our availability is whatever works best for you.
When should I arrive for my wedding?
We ask that you aim to arrive 10-15 minutes in advance. Please be on time! Each wedding is booked on the hour, so your wedding will need to be rescheduled if you are more than 15 minutes late, to timely accommodate the next couple.
Why are some deposits nonrefundable?
At the Walk-in Wedding Chapel, we want to make every process as easy and simple for you. Unfortunately, some couples don't show up, costing another couple that time slot. Not to mention we are a small business and performing weddings are how we earn a living! No-shows cost us money out of our pocket. The deposits are not an extra charge, they are part of your total advertised cost and are simply a placeholder to hold your desired slot.
Can I get married without a marriage license?
Just like you cannot drive without your driver's license, you cannot get married without a marriage license. You must purchase a State of Florida Marriage License before getting married. Please visit any of our friends at the Baker County courthouse or Duval County courthouse to obtain your marriage license! Then, you can book your appointment at the Walk-in Wedding Chapel!
What are the benefits of the Walk-in Wedding Chapel's premarital counseling course?
Many benefits come with completing premarital counseling! Most counselors cost hundreds of dollars to complete premarital counseling, but our DIY course is easy and free! Not only is it free, but it actually SAVES you money! It saves $25 off the marriage license fee AND waives the 3-day waiting period, so you can get married same-day!